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Visits to and traffic sources for all participating WSU sites

Description Download Update frequency
Visits to all domains over 30 days CSV Daily
Top downloads yesterday CSV Daily
Top traffic sources (30 days) CSV JSON Daily
Top exit pages (30 days) CSV JSON Daily
All pages people are visiting CSV Every 3 minutes
Total people online JSON Every 3 minutes

Visitor demographics for all participating WSU sites

Description Download Update frequency
Language CSV JSON Daily
Visitors per country JSON Every 3 minutes
Visitors per city JSON Every 3 minutes
Desktop/mobile/tablet CSV Daily
Web browsers CSV JSON Daily
Versions of Internet Explorer CSV JSON Daily
Operating systems CSV JSON Daily
Versions of Windows CSV JSON Daily
OS & browser (combined) CSV JSON Daily
Windows & browser (combined) CSV JSON Daily
Windows & IE (combined) CSV JSON Daily
Screen sizes CSV JSON Daily
Device model CSV JSON Daily

About this Site

This data provides a window into how people are interacting with the University online. The data comes from a unified Google Analytics account for groups within Washington State University.

Not every University website is represented in this data. To be sure your group's data appears, see the project overview and detailed instructions for configuring WSU analytics.

This open source project is in the public domain, which means that this website and its data are free for you to use without restriction. You can find the code for this website and the code behind the data collection on GitHub.

We plan to expand the data made available here. If you have any suggestions, or spot any issues or bugs, please open an issue on GitHub or contact Web Communication.

Download the data

You can download the data here. Available in JSON and CSV format.